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What Playing Chess with My Gangster Neighbor Taught Me About Entrepreneurship

Updated: Apr 15, 2023

Life often presents us with unexpected opportunities to learn and grow. As a PhD student at Kent State, I encountered a variety of individuals, each offering their own unique life lessons. However, none left as profound an impact as my neighbor of four years—a former Crip (OG) from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our shared love for chess brought us together for two-hour sessions every Sunday, during which I listened to his captivating stories from a life of crime and survival.

Through these weekly chess matches, I came to appreciate that my neighbor's experiences in the criminal underworld, while unconventional, strangely held a treasure trove of insights into entrepreneurship. The strategies and tactics he employed in his past life, the way he navigated difficult situations, and the lessons he learned from his experiences all contributed to a unique perspective on success in the world of business.

Know the Rules and Your Competition

In chess, you must understand the rules and your opponent's strategy to triumph. Similarly, entrepreneurs need to be well-acquainted with their industry's landscape and competition to thrive in business. Diligently researching market trends, staying current with regulations, and scrutinizing competitors' strengths and weaknesses will empower you to outsmart the competition and conquer the business world.

Pivot Like a Chess Prodigy

Like a grandmaster, entrepreneurs must embrace the art of adaptation. A single move in chess can dramatically shift the game's course, necessitating a strategic overhaul. Entrepreneurs should remain agile, prepared to recalibrate their business models, products, or services in response to market changes, customer feedback, or unforeseen obstacles.

Triumph or Learn, Never Lose

In chess, adopting the mindset that you either win or learn is critical. As I played against my former gangster neighbor, I discovered that losing a game was an opportunity to pinpoint the strategic errors and learn from them. Entrepreneurs should view setbacks as invaluable lessons, using the acquired wisdom to refine their strategies and bolster their odds of success.

Assemble a Dream Team

In chess, a winning strategy often hinges on exploiting the unique capabilities of your pieces, synergizing their strengths to devise an unbeatable attack. Likewise, entrepreneurship thrives on assembling a diverse, talented team whose complementary skills and abilities drive the business vision, spark innovation, and navigate the inevitable challenges. Just as on the chessboard, synchronizing your team's efforts is the secret to achieving your entrepreneurial ambitions.

Remember that you should always be open to learning from all sources. The time I spent with my neighbor playing chess while I could have been working on my dissertation, offered an unexpected and captivating perspective on entrepreneurship. By understanding the competition, adapting to change, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and building a formidable team, entrepreneurs can checkmate their way to business success, guided by the wisdom of an unlikely mentor.

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